Tether TRC20 USDT to Bank Transfer PKR

⌛ This operation is performed in semi-automatic mode and takes from 5 minutes to 30 minutes after payment!
⏰ Working time for this direction: 09:00 – 23:00 (UTC +5:00).
⚡ The exchange rate is fixed after receiving 32 confirmations from the Tether TRC20 network.
❗All transactions undergo mandatory AML Verification —more details here

Exchange rate: 1 USDT = 264.3892 PKR

min.: 56.7345 USDT max.: 28367.2707 USDT

min.: 56.7345 USDT

min.: 15000 PKR max.: 7500000 PKR

min.: 15000 PKR

Example PK75ALFH0440123464165546

Enter your Full Name Same as on your Bank Details or Passport .

User data

Enter your e-mail

Enter a mobile phone number in the international format for communication with you. Example: +9715xxxxxxxxx.

Enter your Telegram ID without @ or mobile number.

Select all pictures with numbers "3" (replace task?)
Tether TRC20 USDT to Bank Transfer PKR

To ensure a successful exchange, please follow these steps:

1️⃣ Read and follow the exchange description carefully.
2️⃣ Fill in all required fields and click “Exchange.”
3️⃣ Review and accept the terms of the exchange agreement by checking the appropriate box and clicking “Create Order.”
4️⃣ For automatic exchanges, proceed to payment. If an operator’s assistance is required, contact our technical support via the chat or email.
5️⃣ Follow the instructions on our website to make the required payment.
6️⃣ Upon completing the steps, you will be redirected to the exchange order tracking page.

Important notes:

  • The exchange rate is fixed for 20 minutes after order creation. Failure to make payment within this timeframe will result in automatic cancellation. To recover a canceled order, please contact our technical support. The payment amount may be recalculated in such cases.
  • If you have already paid but wish to cancel the exchange, a refund will be issued with a deduction of 3% of the payment amount, along with applicable payment systеm network commissions and exchange rate differences (if the exchange rate has changed by more than 2%).
  • In this direction, an AML-Check of your funds is carried out. In case of connection of funds with illegitimate sources, the exchange will be suspended. more details here.
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